§ 14-129. Donation of conservation easements.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    General. The BOCC may accept a voluntary donation or devise of conservation easements.


    Description. The donation of conservation easements is legally binding, restricting the owner and future owners to agricultural and/or open space use of the land. The conservation easements will be held in public trust by the county in perpetuity.


    Minimum eligibility criteria. The agricultural and/or open space land must be at least 20 acres in size or contiguous to at least two qualifiable farms which will create a tract of not less than 20 acres and be in agricultural and/or open space use or be of such significant open space, agricultural or environmental importance that the 20 acre minimum will be waived upon recommendation of staff.


    Application procedure. Upon contact by landowner, a meeting will be set with the county staff to discuss the possible donation and negotiate the parameters, reserved rights and restrictions of the agreement.


    Review of applications. The farmland board will review the documentation to determine whether the minimum eligibility criteria are met or whether to waive any of the criteria.


    Public disclosure. During negotiations concerning the donation of conservation easements, information will be kept confidential, as allowed by law. Following a donation agreement, information may be made public as provided by law.

(Ord. No. 7-12-99, § IV; Ord. of 5-27-03)